What is integrative medicine?

You may have heard some different terms used: integrative medicine, functional medicine, naturopathic medicine, natural medicine, holistic medicine…what do they mean? What’s this all about?

These terms are often used somewhat interchangeably. Although they have some subtle differences, they share core beliefs about the practice of medicine:

  1. Personalized care - People are complex, and everyone has different needs based on their unique circumstances and the unique biochemistry of their bodies.

  2. Treating the whole person - Everything in the body and mind is interconnected, and we look at each problem in the context of the whole person.

  3. Addressing the cause - Rather than covering up symptoms, we search for and address the underlying issue that is causing the symptoms in the first place.

  4. Supporting innate healing capacity - Our bodies and minds can heal if supported and given the opportunity to do so.

  5. Using the least invasive treatment possible - We use gentle treatments when possible, and support the body if more invasive treatments are necessary.

This type of medicine may look different than what you’re used to. Your appointment times will be longer, and your provider will spend more time asking about various aspects of your life that impact your health. We see ourselves as partners in your healthcare journey, and want you to have a say in your treatment plan.